本次大会将由德国美因茨大学副教授、Algorithmq量子计算公司量子化学首席Stefan Knecht担任主席。目前已有多位国内外顶尖学者接受大会邀请作为嘉宾出席会议并作报告。会议日程详见附件。
1. Alberto Baiardi, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
2. Chen Cheng, Lanzhou University
3. Lixin He, University of Science and Technology of China
4. Yue Kong, Hyper-Dimension Insight Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
5. Zhe Li, Sun Yat-sen University
6. Zhendong Li, Beijing Normal University
7. Haiyan Liu, University of Science and Technology of China
8. Haibo Ma, Nanjing University
9. Philipp Marquetand, University of Vienna
10. Quan Phung, Nagoya University
11. Jiajun Ren, Beijing Normal University
12. Masaaki Saitow, Nagoya University
13. Honghui Shang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14. Sandeep Sharma, University of Colorado
15. Chong Sun, University of Toronto
16. Huanchen Zhai, California Institute of Technology
17. Chang-Guo Zhan, University of Kentucky
18. Haicang Zhang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
19. Qingtong Zhou, Fudan University
1. 复杂系统的多尺度模拟,大规模分子动力学模拟,机器学习和量子计算方法在分子模拟中的应用(Multiscale simulations of complex systems, large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning and quantum computational methods for molecular simulations);
2. 化学、生物及材料体系的结构性质、相互作用与动力学过程,强电子关联体系计算(Structural properties, interactions and dynamics of chemical, biological and material systems, methods for strong correlated electrons)